Off-Season Pool Care
During the off-season of winter months, it's easy to stop thinking about your pool maintenance because there are few swimmers. Since temperatures are low, the water is generally cleaner and easier to balance. However, it still requires attention and care. As the weather warms and we see occasional rains, a pool needs a little more attention. But it's easy to forget about that when you aren't using your pool regularly.
Considering pool issues
Winter is a great time to have significant pool maintenance performed, such as acid washing, as well as necessary repairs. Not only can unresolved damage of pool components cost money (for example, a pool leak), but they can also prevent needed maintenance, for example, if a pump isn't operating correctly.
There are two sides to the cover debate. Some people choose to cover their pool, for example, if the pool isn't heated. If you do decide to cover it, a well-made cover with an air pillow will permit debris from sinking to the middle of the cover. Also, check the surface of the pool occasionally, even if it's covered. If you have a heater, you may not want to cover your pool because it will hamper access by swimmers.
Test your water
Water should be tested monthly at the very least during the colder months. If this testing is skipped, bacteria and algae can quickly hunker in during the months before spring. A pool in a warm climate like ours, especially one with a heater, will be significantly improved by a good, long last algaecide. An enzyme added to water will help prevent a ring from forming around the pool at the waterline due to non-living organic compounds.
Winter is also an excellent time to refresh old or damaged equipment. Check all hardware during the off-season to make sure it is in good shape. This includes the heater, the pump, and the filter.
Regular monitoring and cleaning of the pump basket and skimmer should continue during winter. Also, depending on the size of your pool, you should run the pump for between four to eight hours per day. Keep watching the water fill level even if you have an auto-fill device to be sure that it's functioning right. It would be best if you continued to run your pool cleaner and vacuum your pool at least once a month this will keep your pool sparkling clean and give you a chance to look your pool over for problems.
Professional maintenance
For some homeowners, the value of having a professional maintain their pool is twofold: first, it relieves them of the hassle of maintaining a pool during a season when they're unable to enjoy it. Second, they have the benefit of professional expertise and management to monitor their pool for problems. If a pool needs to be acid washed, for example, a pool pro will more readily recognize the necessity before it gets out of control and can arrange to have this and other projects complete before the onset of pool season.
Flawless Image Pool Service is a veteran-owned and operated residential pool maintenance team for Hillsborough County. Our Certified Pool Operators provide top-notch pool maintenance, 20 years of experience and reliable service. Call 813-536-3941 today!